Durres meeting on implementation of pilot courses in Albanian Universities
Tuesday 6-th and Wednesday 7-th June 2023
Follow the link to see the agenda ….Durres final draft programme_24_05
The meeting in Durrёs, Albania, acted as a reflection on the implementation of the pre-university teachers, university teachers and students’ pilot courses by all the Albanian partner Universities. During this meeting, the experiences from the participants and the trainers of the pilot courses have been shared and discussed in order to maintain the quality and unified implementation of the course in the future. This has been followed by an impact and sustainability discussions of the courses in the LLL and U3M-AL Centers
Gjirokastra meeting on evaluation of pilot courses
Tuesday 28th – Wednesday 1st March 2023
University Eqrem Cabej Gjirokaster, Albania
To see the agenda, follow the link Gjirokastra meeting agenda
After the Vlora meeting, all partner universities were well-equipped (D.3.2) to pilot and implement the courses, which were carried out between December 2022 and January 2023.
The meeting in Gjirokastra, Albania, reflected on implementing the pre-university teachers, university teachers, and students’ pilot courses by three Albanian Universities: UV, EÇUG, and UAMD. During this meeting, feedback and experiences from the participants and the trainers of the pilot courses will be collected, reported, and analyzed. An impact discussion followed this to validate that the courses and their planning within the LLL and U3M-AL Centres are properly set up before the implementation phase at each partner university. The coordinator presented the results of the course evaluation during a blind process of survey compilation. The overall results were very well for both pilot courses by the participants.
Also, the project committee meeting took place there on the second day, where all universities discussed important issues for the next phase of implementation.
Vlore meeting on pilot courses implementation
Tuesday 6th – Wednesday 7th September 2022
University of Vlore, Rectorate building, Skele Vlore, Albania
The agenda of the meeting …Final Agenda EntrAL Vlore meeting, 6 – 7 September 2022
About 60 participants attended the activity. The meeting in Vlore, Albania (D.4.1) acted as an implementation visit and meeting where Albanian partners could present the improvements of training modules during the WP 3 for course content to pre-university teachers, university teachers, and university students according to the support done from the other European partners and the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth. During the meeting, there were taken these decisions:
- Approval of Modules for pre-university teachers.
- Entrepreneurship in Primary Education, and
- Entrepreneurship in Secondary Education.
- Approval of Module for university students
- Approval of Module for university teachers:
(During the meeting in Vlore, the changes and updates suggested in the previous visit to Leon will for each module have been presented and approved).
- We are launching the final AEN document of the memorandum of understanding between the Albanian partnership and ASCAP. The Albanian Entrepreneurial Network (AEN) (D.3.3) has been launched. The AEN is created to support and develop competencies of entrepreneurial skills education in the teaching process.
- We are launching the EntrAl teacher trainers network in the AEN network framework. The network guarantees the homogeneity expected by the Ministry of Education, Sports, and Youth to accomplish a comprehensive VET system for teacher training. Teachers, students, and university teachers attended the meeting to give their impression of the Entral project’s impact. Some important decisions have been made regarding the further steps for the pilot course implementation, a strategic plan to follow, and the deadline and timetable of the pilot course.
The project committee meeting has also been held with an agenda of problem discussions

LEON Meeting on designing entrepreneurship courses (D.3.1) – Leon, Spain
Wednesday 25th – Thursday 26th May 2022
at Faculty of Education, Campus de Vegazana, University of León (León, Spain)
Agenda of the meeting following the next link ….. Agenda EntrAL Leon May 2022 (1)
The meeting in Leon, Spain (D.3.1) acted as a monitoring visit where Albanian partners can get support to define the course content to pre-university teachers, university teachers, and university students and get useful insight from the other European partners and the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth:
1). Modules for pre-university teachers. Two modules have been presented: (1) Entrepreneurship in Primary Education, and (2) Entrepreneurship in Secondary Education. These modules have to comply with ASCAP criteria for accreditation.
2). Module for university students: Innovation Camp (as in the UTU learning visit-D.2.1).
3). Module for university teachers: Innovation camp (practical) + transferability/applicability to foster entrepreneurship among students in their disciplines/subjects (debate among university teachers).
During the meeting in León, the following aspects for each module have been presented and discussed: core content, learning outcomes, competencies, delivery methods, activities, assessment methods, and opportunities/barriers for implementation.
Additionally, the Albanian Entrepreneurial Network (AEN) (D.3.3) has been presented. The AEN is created to support and develop competencies of teaching. The network guarantees the homogeneity expected by the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth in order to accomplish a comprehensive VET system for teacher training.
Also, the Partner Committee Meeting has been organized with the Project coordinators (1 or 2 people per partner institution) & work package leaders
Training workshop in Dublin
Wednesday 30th – Thursday 31st March 2022
Technological University Dublin
The program of the trainers training is in the link …EntrAL_-TU-Dublin-Workshop_Practical-Information
More than 60 academics and experts from Albanian and European partners attended the sessions of the Training workshop in TU Dublin, Irland following actively the program of training on Entrepreneurial skills education
Topics of the workshop
Day 1
Introduction Talk
Tony Buckley (Assistant Head of School of Marketing)
Benefits of Entrepreneurship Education Lecture, Q&A (online)
Kare Moberg (Senior Researcher, Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship)
Characteristics of Entrepreneurship (EntreComp) Group Discussion
Tom Cooney (Professor of Entrepreneurship, TU Dublin)
Managing Cultural Change at Schools and Universities Lecture, Q&A
Paul O’Reilly (Director, Growth Hub, TU Dublin)
How to Stimulate Entrepreneurial Behaviour in Primary Schools Lecture, Q&A (online)
Jerry Kennelly (Founder, Junior Entrepreneur Programme) https://www.juniorentrepreneur.ie/
Designing Entrepreneurship Education Programs for Secondary Schools Lecture, Q&A
Aoibheann Doyle (Education Manager, Junior Achievement
Entrepreneurial Learning and Entrepreneurial Teaching Methods Group Discussion
Tom Cooney (Professor of Entrepreneurship, TU Dublin)
Designing Entrepreneurship Modules and Courses Breakout Groups
Tom Cooney (Professor of Entrepreneurship, TU Dublin)
DAY 2: Thursday 31st of March
Designing Appropriate Assignments and Assessments Breakout Groups
Tom Cooney (Professor of Entrepreneurship, TU Dublin)
Teaching with Case Studies Using case study
Roger Sherlock (Project Lead ECASA, TU Dublin)
Using Online Tools to Support Your Teaching Play with online game (online)
Ben Guthrie (Learning and Development Manager, SimVenture, UK)
Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Education Lecture, Q&A (online)
Andy Penaluna (Professor Emeritus of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, UK)
Bringing It All Together Breakout Groups
Tom Cooney (Professor of Entrepreneurship, TU Dublin)
Design Your Own Entrepreneurship Module Exercise
Tom Cooney (Professor of Entrepreneurship, TU Dublin)

Kick-off meeting under Project Management WP
9 December 2021
The main topics discussed:
- Dublin training scheduled (just to wait and see what happens with Omicron)
- Newsletter 2
- Report publishing
- Equipment delivery (just update, and what the partners have to deliver.)
- Other issues – certification of participants in training visits
Publication of the last event by Turku University ….

International EntrAL teacher training innovation camp held 9th to 11th of November at the Brahea Centre
Training Visit in Turku, Finland – Innovation Camp (D2.1)
9-11 November 2021, EDUCITY and EDUCARIUM, University of Turku, Finland
The agenda and program can be find in the link following …. D-2-1 Material of Innovation Camp (1)
The EntrAL Innovation Camp has given the members of the faculty transferable skills to organize similar activities in their universities. Camps of this kind can be used as a part of the teaching curriculum or the innovation services of the universities. The camp can be used as a vehicle to promote entrepreneurialism and innovation in the universities.
Participants have experienced the concept of the innovation camp and acting as their students will during the pilot phase. They have developed business ideas in teams and get practical experience about entrepreneurship, the process of developing a business idea and how to sell it. The participants have been expected to engage and challenge themselves, as will their students in similar contexts.
After the camp, participants had a better understanding of the requirements to become an entrepreneur and can advise and support their students better. The camp also introduced another approach on how to teach entrepreneurship and foster entrepreneurial skills. Participants have been better equipped to foster an entrepreneurial mindset at university and national levels (WP3/3.3).
The camp has been organized for 3 days (+2 travel days), including a project management meeting. Between 3 and 6 representatives of each Albanian partner university participated in the visit: members of partners in the consortium that will play a key role in the implementation of entrepreneurship education (WP3 and 4) and a selection of academic staff from each Albanian university who will have responsibilities in the preparation of the courses (WP4). The Ministry has also taken part in the training to better understand the requirements for national implementation and the methods used. The European partners from Ireland and Spain have also taken part in the training to better guide the Albanian partners in designing the content of the courses.
Training the Trainers of Albanian Universities
Following the Need Analysis Report on entrepreneurial mind-set in Albania, the EntrAL project continues by training the trainers of Albanian universities through two training activities.
The first training, organised for September 2021 at the University of Turku, Finland, will be a 23-hour entrepreneurship camp, which is later converted into a Albanian, locally adapted training for university teachers and students.
The second training, organized by the Technological University Dublin, Ireland, is a teacher training for the future trainers of university and pre-university teachers in Albania. The training is planned to take place in February 2022.
Towards an Entrepreneurial Mind-Set – Seminar in Shkodra, Albania, April 20th – 21st, 2021
The first public event organized under the EntrAL project was the seminar “Towards an Entrepreneurial Mind-Set”.
Professor, Doctor Suzana Golemi, Rector at the University of Shkodra welcomed the participants to Shkodra. Greeting speeches from Mrs. Evis Kushi, Minister of Education and Ms. Ada Ramaj, National Coordinator from the Albanian Erasmus+ Office followed. The main contributions to the seminar were:
- the presentation of the results of the need analysis by each Albanian partner institution
- the presentation of the national context regarding entrepreneurship education by Doctor Dorina Rapti from ASCAP
- and the presentations of the good case practices from the European partners.
These presentations will be included in the Need Analysis Report published on this website.
The seminar culminated with the presentations and the panel discussion of two Albanian entrepreneurs, Mr. Arben Haveri from OTP Bank Albania and Mr. Gjon Dukgilaj, owner of the restaurant, hotel, ethnographic museum Tradita Gege & Toske.
Online Project Meeting, February 25th, 2021
The EntrAL project officially started with the online meeting taking place on February 25, 2021, where all the partners were present online. Professor Thomas Cooney, Technological University Dublin, shared his insight on Entrepreneurship Education based on his long experience in Entrepreneurship Education. In addition, the project goals and activities were discussed in addition to the next steps in the project.