On July 13, 2021, the first online monitoring visit took place by the Erasmus+ National Office in Tirana. The objective of the visit was to monitor and evaluate the progress of the activities of the EntrAL project by the Albanian partners for the first 6 months.
The monitoring was organised through Microsoft Teams platform according to an agenda prepared by the working group: Mrs. Ada Rama, coordinator of the Erasmus+ National Office in Tirana, Mrs. Elona Saraci, Office Specialist, and Mr. Oltion Pengu, Expert and Moderator of the meeting.
The Albanian partners presented the progress of the project for the first period, highlighting successes and fostering discussion. These presentations were prepared under the guidance of the co-coordinator, Mrs. Eva Cipi from the University of Vlora, and the management team of the coordinating institution: the University of Turku. In total, 23 participants from Albanian partner institutions attended the online monitoring visit.